Geo Location

Use the JavaScript classes described in this chapter to obtain or track the current geographic location of the host device. These classes hide the implementation details of how the location information is obtained—for example, using Global Positioning System (GPS), IP addresses, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or some other technology. The classes allow you to get the current location or get continual updates on the location as it changes.

Geographic Location Classes

The Navigator object has a read-only Geolocation instance variable. You obtain location information from this Geolocation object. The parameters to the Geolocation methods that get location information are mostly callbacks, instances of PositionCallback or PositionErrorCallback. Because there may be a delay in getting location information, it cannot be returned immediately by these methods. The callbacks that you specify are invoked when the location information is obtained or an error occurs. If the location information is obtained, the position callback is passed a position object describing the geographic location. If an error occurs, the error callback is passed an instance of PositionError describing the error. The position object represents the location in latitude and longitude coordinates.

Getting the Current Location

The most common use of the Geolocation class is to get the current location. For example, your web application can get the current location and display it on a map for the user. Use the getCurrentPosition method inGeolocation to get the current location from the Navigator object. Pass your callback function as the parameter to the getCurrentPosition method as follows:

   // Get the current location

Your callback function—the showMap function in this example—should take a position object as the parameter as follows:

    function showMap(position) {
      // Show a map centered at position

Use the coords instance variable of the passed-in position object to obtain the latitude and longitude coordinates as follows:

    latitude = position.coords.latitude;
    longitude = position.coords.longitude;

Tracking the Current Location

You can also track the current location. For example, if your web application displays the current location on a map, you can register for location changes and continually scroll the map as the current location changes. When you register for location changes, you receive a callback every time the location changes. The callbacks are continual until you unregister for location changes.

Use the watchPosition method in the Geolocation class to register for location changes. Pass your callback function as the parameter. In this example, the scrollMap function is invoked every time the current location changes:

    // Register for location changes
    var watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(scrollMap);

The callback function should take a position object as the parameter as follows:

    function scrollMap(position) {
      // Scroll the map to center position

Similar to “Getting the Current Location,” use the coords instance variable of the passed in position object to obtain the latitude and longitude coordinates.

Use the clearWatch method in the Geolocation class to unregister for location changes. For example, unregister when the user clicks a button or taps a finger on the map as follows:

    function buttonClickHandler() {
      // Unregister when the user clicks a button

Handling Location Errors

Your web application should handle errors that can occur when requesting location information. For example, display a message to the user if the location cannot be determined due to poor network connectivity or some other error.

When registering for location changes, you can optionally pass an error callback to the watchPosition method in the Geolocation class as follows:

    // Register for location changes
    var watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(scrollMap, handleError);

The error callback should take a PositionError object as the parameter as in:

    function handleError(error) {
      // Update a div element with the error message