Web design samples

Sites designed and developed by Max Macapagal at Please click on image to see live demo.

SMC Design Technology Alpha Redesign home residential page

music/entertainment redesign

"ipad" css Zen garden design

non-profit redesign

travel site redesign

"macpro" css Zen garden design

"couture" css Zen garden design

portfolio multimedia design

"tech alien" css Zen Garden design

"journal" max css Zen Garden Design

nav design explore>film>burton>featurefilm

home>blog two column nav design

all flash multimedia design

phone application design

e-commerce site redesign

restaurant site redesign

all flash design

special interest design

Disclaimer: All images and art used in this website remain the property of their respective artists and agencies.These websites are fictitious and were developed for the sole purpose of learning the process of web design and applying theories and techniques learned using web related applications.